Thursday, September 17, 2009

THE BLOG ITSELF, by Bratprince

I started this blog in order to free myself from the constraints of FACEBOOK. My content was not what some of my 720 Facebook Friends wanted to see or read.

I had never considered my own hadn't even been a thought. However, after much criticizing on Facebook I thought it best to branch out on my own.

I was terrified that you wouldn't read it. I thought..Oh My God..what am I doing??

Here was a place that my opinions, my taste and even my gay sensibilities would come to the fore. I literally thought that nobody would read it and it would just be a waste of time.

Thank you, thank you to the 7,000 readers that have signed on in a month and a half. Some of you cannot post comments because you don't have a Google account (Google runs my blog)...but I do hear from you by email and Facebook. As Sally Field said once, "You like really like me!"

Watching hundreds of people sign on a day is very gratifying. I have worked hard to provide what I, gossip, nonsense, sex and eye candy. Having you join me daily is very special. You are part of my blog family and I adore you for coming back day after day!

My special thanks to T.B, MTM, and M.H. for always commenting...always pushing...always trying to make the blog better. They are as much a part of it as I am. It is amazing to have people that care enough to make you better...and these gentleman always try for that. When I am right they say so. When I am wrong they challenge.

My blog has become an integral part of me. I never dreamed that having my "own space" would allow so much does. I get to talk, preach, play and have a lot of fun!!!

The Top Twenty Five Movies of All Time were voted on by hundreds of you. I watched your votes and tried to compile a valid compilation....yes...a few of you lost to my own is my blog after all. Yet in the process, I got some amazing clips from MTM...and lots of opinions from others. The blog is becoming what I wish it to be...a forum for many people to talk, discuss...and give opinions. I see and watch them all. Sometimes I chose to ignore, but for the most part I try to enter in all that I receive.

As we reach the 10,000 reader point, I have made some choices about advertising. The ads are becoming more "gay". I hope my non-gay readers understand that because of the content of the blog I have very little options re: advertising. Many advertisers refuse my blog because of adult content...yet...the moment I post "adult eye candy" I get over 200 hits. Obviously my readers like to see handsome men in the buff. I continue to try and keep it "tasteful", but I suppose tasteful is subjective. However, I post what I find attractive and those readers that are offended don't have to sign on.

One of my best girlfriends has been quite busy, but just went through the blog looking for an essay I wrote for her (she will be a guest columnist soon, thus you can put it all together). She loved the blog....naked men included. What amazed me most is that she found the best part of it all; my essays. MTM said the same thing at one point. I have been using the essays to sharpen my writing skills as I have a number of writing projects in the works. Thanks to all for your encouragement and support.

As politics move to the left and the right...the blog is moving a bit more gay. For my straight friends I hope you can overlook...but if not...thanks for the support so far. For my gay friends....PLEASE, PLEASE use the ads to support the blog. Time is valuable and I try to give this as much as I can. Your support by buying videos, etc. would be most helpful.

THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE BRATPRINCE has been a wonderful adventure for me! The response has been almost unbelievable!! I cannot thank each of you enough for visiting me and I hope we just get better and better. Tell me what you think.....tell me what you want to see and read....keep me informed....let us make this a joint effort.

All my regards and respect,

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