Monday, September 14, 2009

Top 25. STAR WARS: The Empire Strikes Back.

Tough one here. The first Star Wars was truly groundbreaking, but this is the best in the entire series.


  1. Yeah ... with the shadows and the relationships (plus the intro of Yoda in full Zen sage mode), "Empire" probably is the best of the first trilogy ... though I'll admit I love the redemption theme that emerges through the arc of the entire trilogy (that even Vader is not "wholly evil" and can be reclaimed by the "Light").
    Great compiling of clips, by the way ... it brings out how the conflict in Luke between light and dark is at the heart of "Empire", and maybe even of the entire trilogy.

  2. Star Wars and Jaws ruined the US film industry.

  3. To Anonymous: I would argue the point. Jaws and Star Wars were just two types of movies that appealed to a broader audience than most other films. The U.S. film industry still to this day produces independent films, blockbusters and films with intelligence and thought inducing ideas. I would suggest that you might be missing some of the great films by the distraction of the blockbusters. I site THE HOURS as an example; not that pleasant to watch...but simply dazzling...or perhaps THE HUMAN STAIN....or FAR FROM HEAVEN....all made by the American studio system...and not designed for wide audience consumption. American film is alive and well....from the smallest obscure picture coming out of Sundance to the crowdpleasing blockbusters.
