Thursday, September 30, 2010


Okay, first I guess we need to be clear.  I am a total and complete materialist.  A few tacky people in college not only called me Bratprince, Gordon Gekko, but also Material Girl.

For any of those that have been in my home it is called "a museum".  Although everything has its place and the overall effect is elegant...I probably actually have TOO MUCH stuff.  In addition to the movie memorabilia...the zillions of Playbills and celeb. autographs I have collected, I have one of the largest Imperial Russian antiquity collections in the South (really my pride and joy).  I have an enormous library that has thousands of volumes.  My kitchen is filled with beautiful Iranian copper.  I have nine china patterns.  Hundreds of DVDS and pretty antiquated by my IPOD.  The house if filled with lovely antiques and Faberge'.

Still, when you try to sell such things you really don't get much of a deal.  No matter how much you paid, things drop in value the instant you own them.

So, here we are again.  Gary has a great job but his health insurance is almost $700 per month.  Mine is almost $350.  Because the house is almost 100 years old the insulation is older (and we are informed that it cannot be updated without literally tearing the outside of the house apart).  Thus, we not only air condition the house, but I think also the yard.  I had a $650 electric bill last month.  Admittedly it is hot in Dallas and I can't work in the heat...or sleep for that matter.  Gary and I do not eat the same things, so I have to basically buy groceries for two households.  Insurance on a Jag. and a Mercedes isn't actually all that much of a deal.  We live on two acres so let's not even talk about the water bill.

My largest client no longer can afford to pay me, thus today was my last check.  I've already spent it all taking care of next months bills.  I am desperately seeking new clients and am applying for jobs with companies....heck...I don't get it.  I have been the National Sales Manager for three companies and the Regional Sales Manager for another.  I have a huge client list.  Sigh...I think this job search maybe a struggle.  I haven't heard back from ANYONE I have applied with.  Welcome to the economy.

I think we can hang on for a few months...but we are coming out of Gary's 8 month unemployment...$3,000 in car repairs for the Jag....and to top it off..the washing machine broke today.  The house always knows when money is tight and creates some sort of disaster.

I know I am luckier than most and do have some savings and retirement....but...I REALLY would like to protect those monies in case of real disaster.

So...the tough part comes up.  What can I sell?  I keep walking around the house to see what can go if we need to sell things to pay the bills.  I really feel selfish.  It pains me to see ANYTHING go.  A lifetime of collecting only the best and I might have to say goodbye to something I love.  I must remind myself that THINGS are ONLY THINGS and I am just a steward of them anyway in this lifetime.  Eventually they will belong to someone else anyway.  I am going to double up on my efforts to find valuable things that can sell relatively well in this market.

Wish me luck on my job efforts.  Maybe the collection will be spared!  Yet, one thing I DO KNOW...the most important thing in my life, Gary...well...I'm going to keep him no matter what!

Yours, Bratprince

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