Friday, December 3, 2010

BACK TO THE CENTER, by Bratprince

Today has been a monumental day!!!  In all these years of writing I was finally able to write "THE END" on a novel!!  I can't believe I finished.  Months of work...all of my dreaming hours devoted to my characters...constantly thinking of the next move or twist....and yet....I am at the end line.  Weird, in some ways I feel sort of bereft, as if people I love have left me.  Yet, with hope and grace the book will become the trilogy I have planned and I will get to spend much more time with my beloved characters!  The book ended in as an explosive manner as I had hoped.  I love it.  I wish I could share it all with you, but my editors have advised otherwise.

Now all my hopes and dreams are in other people's hands.  Editors, agents and publishers become involved in what started in me as a little seed of an idea.  It grew and grew and now I must let go and let other's decide my idea's fate!

Right now, life is a fantasy.  I actually FINISHED a novel (and not some puny little thin thing on your shelf...a REAL novel)!  I'm dizzy with happiness, anticipation and expectations.

As I thumbed through my invites by mail today...I got one from the Fashionistas of Dallas, one from GQ magazine, one from Dolce and Gabbana.....etc.  I will turn them all down.  Right now I am so happy to just be HOME!  I finished my novel right here...right where I am sitting.  My mother always called me a editor says I am a great one...and my husband is absolutely hooked on my book!!  I'm on cloud nine and can't believe I did it!

Nothing means more to me than "HOME" right now!!!  I stayed away from the public eye and damned if I didn't finish something that I had promised for years!!!  Finishing a novel is like giving birth!  You go from the tiniest morsel and watch it grow into something amazing!!  Still, as this grows...until I am needed elsewhere...I will continue to volunteer my time to charities and be the best guy I can be!!!  You may have seen this video before, but....I am "HOME" and happy.  Damn, I actually wrote a novel!!!! Regardless, HOME would mean nothing to me without my husband of almost 17 years!! I have been with him almost half my life and he has always been my biggest supporter! After losing my Mom he became the most important figure in my life...and everything I do now...eveything I am...Gary...I hope I make you proud! I will love you forever and always! How many gay men can say this after almost two decades? I love you..I need you..I want my love are HOME to me and always will be!

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