Friday, April 15, 2011

Just When You Thought You Had Seen Everything, by Bratprince

Today I made one of my frequent trips to the grocery store.  Gary had a little list of things he needed.

As I was checking out...a young couple (male/female) began to fight.  Within seconds they were screaming at the top of their lungs at each other.  The store manager told them to stop and to leave the store.

After checking out, I entered the foyer of the store to leave followed behind by a lady with her two young children tagging behind.

The fighting couple were in the foyer...they were screaming again and the male was repeatedly slapping the female.

There was no security, so I made the decision I had to step in.  They guy was slight of build but as I told him to stop hitting the woman he punched me in the shoulder.  In the process he backed up and knocked down one of the other lady's children.  The child wasn't hurt and didn't even cry.

I put the guy in a head lock and told him very quietly that if he tried to hit me again I would gladly break his neck (fortunately, I was a lot stronger than he was).  The woman with children went over and tried to comfort the obviously very upset abused woman.  I heard the nice lady tell her that she definitely needed to find a new boyfriend or husband.

The abuser didn't struggle with me as I held him and security finally came.  They detained him in order to call the police.

People amaze me how they can treat others.  I hope the guy gets the book thrown at him and the girl wises up and moves on.  Abusers never stop!  So, how was your day?

Yours, Bratprince


  1. I've seen similar (if not quite so violent) scenes from time to time and thought briefly about stepping in, somehow... but always fall back on the "I don't want to get involved/you don't know if the guy's got a gun/knife/etc..." rationale. Good for you for stepping in! (I wonder what the outcome finally was?)

  2. That's actually a good rationale..I had him from behind and his arms were I felt pretty sure I was safe. I'll keep you time I see the store manager (it is a very "neighborhood" grocery store..we all know each other) I will ask him what happened.
